Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I'm a Producer Now!

In less than a week I will be producing my first… anything. You are currently skimming over the blog of the Producer for the unwritten, uncast Two-Bit Pictures’ short “Unnamed 2011 Providence 48 Hour Film Project 4-7 Minute Movie”. (I really wish that I could have said that instead of writing it. It sounded so epic in my mind.)

That’s right; we’re at it again. Two-Bit Pictures is taking on another 48 Hour Film Project (48HFP) and this time it’s in Providence. Check out my previous entries about our Boston 48HFP adventure below (or start by clicking here!).

So, yup, less than a week away. By this time, the more experienced teams already have SAG actors ready and waiting (and plotting how they will sabotage each other in order to get the better roles), seasoned crew packing their gear (and then unpacking it and checking that they've got everything... and then repacking it), more than a handful of locations for shooting (w/the paperwork already filled out), a composer waiting (his or her fingers patiently waiting over the keys of their choice), and a full editing suite (the editor is already chained to the table with nothing but energy drinks, hostess cupcakes, and a bucket to pee in). They are also, of course, still turning away potential actors and other crew who then, in utter embarrassment or just depression (because these teams are just so awesome), commit whatever form of suicide best fits their occupation (actors will be dramatic about it and crew’s suicides usually have to do with gaff tape and electrical cords). (But seriously, people put a lot of time, planning, and effort into the 48HFP and in some cases teams really have to turn people away.)

We aren’t too far behind schedule and are much better off than we were the first time, before we really knew what we were getting in to. We have a schedule, set writers, a director, editor, Producer, and have set up Facebook groups for a Brainstorming session as well as working on the movie itself (which we did have for Boston but there is more info this time around). You can check out the links as well as more info about the Boston project here. We are still looking for help with brainstorming, actors, some places to shoot (working on it), and someone to do music, as well as other miscellaneous crew. Any help we can get is appreciated and you don’t necessarily need to be in the Providence/RI area to participate. Leave a comment below or visit our Facebook pages for more info.

How do I know so much, you ask? It's part of my job!... What is my job? Well, you should already know – I say it in the first sentence. Then again, I already accepted the fact that you are probably just skimming the post so you may have missed it. I’m the Producer! So what will I actually be doing? In the traditional sense the Producer is “the man”. He or she puts a lot of money, time, and effort into a project which correlates to them getting a lot of power over everyone. Over time more and more types of Producers started being used so the title of “Producer” can now mean a bunch of different things. Try Googling “Producer” or “What does a Producer do?” and you’ll get a ton of different definitions. Now-a-days one Producer may put in the money and get a studio to buy into the project, another Producer will take control of the creative aspects of the movie, another Producer will lead the day-to-day activities on the set, another may have control over the script, and another may help with disputes between cast, crew, the director, and the studio (and another…, and another…, and another… you get the point, right?).

So with all of these Producer definitions, which one do I fall under? Well, I’m not the team leader and I didn’t pay the entrance fee so I’m not the 1st kind. The creative aspects will be covered by our Director/Team Leader/Editor and Camera Operator/Cinematographer with ideas from others more than welcome so I’m not that kind either. I suppose that I may be a combination of the last two on my list; I’ll be the babysitter, getting everyone in the cast and crew whatever they need while making sure that the schedule is followed and things are getting done well. I’m sure that I’ll also be working crew and acting so maybe I will be more like that all-seeing, all-knowing Producer figure of legend…

Back to Producing I go! I've got a lot of spreadsheets to make and Fruit Roll-Ups to procure.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Two-Bit Pictures is Looking Forward: The Epilogue

I really do apologize for the long timeframe between posts as well as my loss of interest over that time. I planned for some more posts but I've missed some opportunities to write about other things along the way so here's the epilogue to my posts about "Looking Forward" so that we all can move on to bigger, better things.

Boston's winning movie: One Step Forward - It's good. Real good. But I think that once they show the "twist" they should end instead of continuing for a short time. Maybe I just figure out twists before most people so I wasn't supposed to get it until later. Watch and decide for yourself.

Other Boston Winners: Winners! - Everything from "Best Use of Character" to "Best Sex" to "Runner Up".

What's up next for Two-Bit Pictures? Well we're gearing up to work on the Providence 48HFP. The rules are the same, the place is different. And so are we. We've learned a lot and changed around our own format. We're taking cues from WPI's Alpha Psi Omega's 24 Hour Show (theatre) with how we incorporate costumes and props, we've come up with a schedule for shooting, and we've already established the major roles of Producer, Director, etc. We're still looking for all sorts of help so if you would like to participate please visit our Facebook page, our event pages (Providence & Brainstorming), or leave me a comment here and one of us will get back to you. Keep an eye out for a possible Call for Actors to come soon, too!

And what's next for me? Well, more writing, Producing, and blogging. Check back soon (hopefully) for some more posts about Two-Bit Pictures' road to the Providence 48HFP, what it's like to be a 1st time Producer, the magical things you can do with cheese, last season's TV finales, some movie reviews, and other TV, food, and entertainment "info".

(Also, feel free to check out some of my favorite links to the right and follow me on Twitter @Gouv.)

Two-Bit Pictures is Looking Forward: PART 6 - Welcome to the Big Screen

Seeing myself up on the big screen was both amazing and terrible. There was a moment of "ZOMG I'M ON THE BIG SCREEN!!!!!" followed by fear and uncomfortable awkwardness. I found very quickly that I hate watching myself act because I see every small detail, word, and action that I could have done/said better and it eats away at me. What made me feel even worse was the talent in the other movies.

Our film was second during our group showing. The film before ours was fun and a good way to start off the viewing. Ours came next and the three of us that could make it were ecstatic because, well, our first film was being shown on a full size theatre screen to people that chose to come to the show. After our movie there were a smattering of good movies and also some terrible ones. Most movies were funny, some were dramatic (both good and bad), and others were neutral even though they didn't mean to be.

I'm not saying that our movie is a masterpiece. You can check it out for yourself below. In fact, I'll wait until you've seen it to continue...

Now that you've seen it (or skipped ahead) let's continue. As I started to say before, our movie isn't a masterpiece. We had some short comings from the beginning and our skill set is smaller than we'd like but for not having an editing suite, a budget, or people dedicated to only one thing (writers acted, the producer directed and edited, etc.) we did a pretty great job. As I mentioned in previous posts we worked hard, had fun, and learned a lot of important things that we have already put into play in our latest endeavor (which I will mention in a quick post later).

For a first movie "Looking Forward" came out pretty well. Everyone was somewhat out of their comfort zone (for one we all do comedy and we tried to make a heartwarming drama), which is important to do when a group wants to expand their knowledge, but we managed to pull together and create something. Also, you can prepare for anything but you might not be prepared for everything. For instance, you can read up on camera angles, understand the lighting, get the shot you want, but the camera may have a silly setting that ends up ruining everything.

So please sit back, relax, and enjoy our movie (if you haven't already). I was going to dig into it more but sometimes you just have to let things be themselves. Feel free to leave comments on the Two-Bit Pictures Facebook or Youtube pages or right here. We can only get better by hearing what other people have to say (and practicing). Also, make sure to check out our bloopers! Enjoy!