Sunday, July 10, 2011

Two-Bit Pictures is Looking Forward: PART 6 - Welcome to the Big Screen

Seeing myself up on the big screen was both amazing and terrible. There was a moment of "ZOMG I'M ON THE BIG SCREEN!!!!!" followed by fear and uncomfortable awkwardness. I found very quickly that I hate watching myself act because I see every small detail, word, and action that I could have done/said better and it eats away at me. What made me feel even worse was the talent in the other movies.

Our film was second during our group showing. The film before ours was fun and a good way to start off the viewing. Ours came next and the three of us that could make it were ecstatic because, well, our first film was being shown on a full size theatre screen to people that chose to come to the show. After our movie there were a smattering of good movies and also some terrible ones. Most movies were funny, some were dramatic (both good and bad), and others were neutral even though they didn't mean to be.

I'm not saying that our movie is a masterpiece. You can check it out for yourself below. In fact, I'll wait until you've seen it to continue...

Now that you've seen it (or skipped ahead) let's continue. As I started to say before, our movie isn't a masterpiece. We had some short comings from the beginning and our skill set is smaller than we'd like but for not having an editing suite, a budget, or people dedicated to only one thing (writers acted, the producer directed and edited, etc.) we did a pretty great job. As I mentioned in previous posts we worked hard, had fun, and learned a lot of important things that we have already put into play in our latest endeavor (which I will mention in a quick post later).

For a first movie "Looking Forward" came out pretty well. Everyone was somewhat out of their comfort zone (for one we all do comedy and we tried to make a heartwarming drama), which is important to do when a group wants to expand their knowledge, but we managed to pull together and create something. Also, you can prepare for anything but you might not be prepared for everything. For instance, you can read up on camera angles, understand the lighting, get the shot you want, but the camera may have a silly setting that ends up ruining everything.

So please sit back, relax, and enjoy our movie (if you haven't already). I was going to dig into it more but sometimes you just have to let things be themselves. Feel free to leave comments on the Two-Bit Pictures Facebook or Youtube pages or right here. We can only get better by hearing what other people have to say (and practicing). Also, make sure to check out our bloopers! Enjoy!

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